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Have a Nice Cup: Top Reasons for Using Java

If there's one programming language that could be considered a "Swiss army knife" of sorts, it would be Java. Java applets are extremely prevalent on the web and at one point or another you will most definitely encounter the language. Right out of the gate, the appeal of Java is pretty alluring, but here are three top reasons why it may be a good idea to give the language a shot if you've passed it up before.

Language Versatility

Even if you don't write in Java, you can still use Java. Many other programming languages been integrated into JVM. Let's say you're a Python programmer and that's pretty much all you know. If you want to work in Java, Jython is the way to go. Ruby? JRuby. Most programming languages are easily transferable to Java. Other examples of languages that integrate well would include the Lisp-based Clojure and Scala, which greatly expands upon JVM. Not only that, but thanks to Java sandbox, it proves to be a great starter language for beginners.

Usable on Virtually Every OS

Java support is possible on basically every OS imaginable. It doesn't matter if you're on a Mac, a PC, or some obscure build of Linux only 5 people in your home state have heard of, Java will be useful to you in some fashion. Perhaps most apparent in this is with the Android OS. Android apps are coded very similarly to Java, and knowledge in the language would be very beneficial in working with the little green robot. Overall, no matter what your OS of choice, the allure of Java remains strong.

You'll Run Into It Anyways

Think of all the websites you access daily. There's a very strong chance that at least one of those websites uses Java applets in a certain capacity. Also, it is a stable language, performs well, and is arguably the most commonly known programming language today. By picking up the skill of programming in Java, you can pretty much tackle most tasks with a little effort.

Contact us to learn more about the language and ways that it could benefit you as a programmer.